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Aussies must seem weird but fun

There are good reasons why the U.S. and China don't quite get each other (Us too)!

It's a values/cultural/civilisation difference (Hofstede, 2016).

Nevertheless one thing we all agree on is that this is the only planet we currently have so learning to save it and live with each other is quite a good idea.

Power distance = Bureaucracy/rank/status/respect for authority VS flat structures and personal responsibility/autonomy/challenging authority

Individualism = value the performance of (and rewarding of) individuals vs teamwork

Masculine Vs Feminine Decision Making = hard/factual/aggressive Vs consultative, feel, intuitive

Uncertainty Avoidance = low if comfort with uncertainty and change and entrepreneurial orientation Vs need for rules/data/clarity of roles and responsibilities

LT Vs ST - valuing performance in near term or long - now Vs later

Indulgence Vs Restraint = how strict RE fun/freedom/gratification/enjoyment Vs social control

Australia must seem weird: No respect for authority (dickheads), very individual (heroes are sportsmen and recently women are getting interesting), hard and factual (oppositional), risk careful (lots of governance, signs everywhere), focused on today (no worries), she'll be right.

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