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Writer's pictureIan Cormack

Excuse me but my colleage left at 5.30!

90% of employees have had a positive work-experience with the lockdown. 75% of Managers think its time for more flexible workplaces. Things are going to change.

There are in my opinion 4 crucial things you have to get right when introducing flexibility to the way work is done:-

a. The technology has to work and these days it does. Everyone has been ZOOMING and TEAMING up a storm lately.

b. Managers have to believe that flexibility is a good thing which means a discussion is needed about the attitudes that are barriers - see below.

c. The policy settings are laid out clearly so everyone knows what the rules are. This must be written and address both the WHY and the Procedural aspects such as approvals.

d. The change has to be managed with clear communication and senior manager advocacy and role modelling.

Here are some myths that the change program needs to address.

1. Work and lifestyle measures only benefit employees with dependent children

Work and lifestyle flexibility can assist all people, not just those with dependent children. It's for everyone. This can include people who are responsible for the care of elderly parents, people who have study or cultural commitments, older employees who simply want to ease themselves into retirement or people with other personal and lifestyle commitments. Family life is a continuum and, with the ageing of our community, care of the elderly will have a significant impact on people’s lives.

2. Give people an inch and they will take a mile

Trust the 99% - punish the 1%. A high degree of trust and cooperation between all employees will lead to improved morale, commitment and increased productivity. Employers of choice are finding an open and cooperative approach can give them a competitive edge. The key here is about cultivating a positive and healthy workplace culture of high performance, strong communication and commitment to outcomes. Unethical misuse of flexibility is a performance issue and is a separate matter for managers.

3. Being physically at work equals commitment and performance

Work is something you DO, not somewhere you GO. Some employers believe workers perform effectively only under direct supervision, and time spent at work shows the level of the worker’s commitment. These command and control attitudes create obstacles to developing more flexible work options and lead to false assumptions about the commitment of people who for a range of reasons access flexible work options. Time serving actually rewards those who don't need flexibility and punishes your women, carers, parents, etc who do.

Here is an actual true story:-

She was the biggest biller in a very successful Melbourne law firm. She was mentally exhausted and decided to go to the gym. It was 7pm. At 5.50pm her colleague had left. Here is the conversation that played out:-

PARTNER: Hi M - leaving early?

M: I'm done - I need to get to the gym and recharge

PARTNER: Well you won't make Partner with that attitude

M: Excuse me but my colleague left at 5.30 and he is highly regarded

PARTNER: M, he has a family, you don't

She left and never went back and they lost their biggest rising star. It also destroyed her confidence.

4. Working long hours is an indication of high productivity

Research for decades shows that productivity drops dramatically after about 9 hours, by hour 12 you perform as well as a drunk person. Supervisors and co-workers who equate the number of hours spent in the workplace with productivity might penalise efficient workers who complete tasks in a shorter time. Performance should be assessed on the outputs, outcomes, nature and quality of the work, not just time served.

5. Balancing work and lifestyle gives some employees an advantage over others

Some employees may feel unfair concessions are being made which do not affect them, but which they may have to ‘cover for’. However, employees’ family and lifestyle commitments will vary in form and degree over time and the productivity of the work unit is maximised when everyone has the equitable opportunity. Increased flexibility does not lead to diminished performance, but offers a different way of achieving the same or enhanced outcomes for the job. Managers must ensure all employees have access to balanced work and lifestyle practices, particularly as individual situations change, and that use of those practices do not disadvantage any individual in the work area. The other attitude that has to be confronted is ...I had to earn my stripes, they should too.

6. Balancing work and lifestyle is not for senior employees

Managers may feel more pressure to compromise their own lifestyles because of the way their work is organised. Balanced work and lifestyle practices should be available to all and accessible by all. High performing organisations support and encourage managers to access these same opportunities. Similarly, it is important managers’ role model a healthy work-life blend.

7. This is just a women’s issue

Both men and women have personal commitments. It is unreasonable and unrealistic to assume 1 partner will automatically assume the major responsibility for family care, or only women have responsibility for a carer’s role or other lifestyle commitments. Fathers are parents too.

8. We can only know outcomes when someone is at work

A worker's outcomes cannot be measured by the length of time he or she spends at work, although clearly for some positions presence in the workplace may be an important consideration, for example in a customer service role. A more accurate picture of outcomes can be gained from looking at the extent to which project deadlines are met, quality of work produced, results of service delivery, and so on. Not only is this a more valid way of measuring productivity, it also takes into account the myriad of working styles and arrangements that could be used to achieve work outcomes.

9. Working flexibly just means accessing flex time, working part-time or telecommuting

Although these are all examples of flexible work possibilities, the concept covers the broad arrangements that relate to how, where and when we work such as leave at half-pay, hot desks, compressed hours and deferred salary schemes.

10. There will be nobody left to do the work

Business imperatives will always be a key consideration, though chances are when the focus is on the outcomes required, other ways of meeting the business needs can be discovered. It is unlikely everyone will want the same type of flexibility at the same time. Teams sometimes establish particular ways of working that meet their needs, such as every one is available every Wednesday for team meetings, or calendars are shared among the team.

11. Working from home requires a safety inspection

Workplace health and safety (WH&S) responsibilities apply when working flexibly and in the workplace. A WH&S assessment may apply depending on the circumstances (e.g. how often, how long and the type of work). An inspection may be suitable for a high frequency working from home (e.g. 4 days per week) however, a self-assessment may better suit a medium frequency arrangement (e.g. 1 day per week).

12. Things are fine the way they are

Workplace and societal expectations and norms are changing and certainly different from 10 years ago. Managing virtual teams and embracing flexibility is a key feature of a modern workforce. Flexibility is the new norm and should be a mainstream approach rather than a bonus for a select few.

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